This is most recent…
Latest advances, news and achievements
Latest advances, news and achievements
We are already in 2022!
We continue to work despite the pandemic. Many things have happened since 2017 and new challenges arise.
We continue to work despite the pandemic. Many things have happened since 2017 and new challenges arise.
In January 2022 we participated in the development of a collaborative documentary. Invited by the "Documotora" organization, the documentary "Jagti" was produced, which talks about the conservation of the biodiversity of Bahía de Banderas. The full video can be seen at: On June 17, 2021 we were invited to appear on Radio Universidad Puerto Vallarta 104.3 F.M. in the "Climate Change" program and talk about the conservation program for the Military Macaw in Bahía de Banderas. The video of the program is still available at:
On March 3, World Wildlife Day and with the support and organization of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation and the Network of Environmental Educators and Educators of the mexican state of Morelos, we participated in the discussion "Wildlife in Mexico: Strategies for its conservation".
In August, Unidos por las Guacamayas participated for the 3rd. Consecutive year at "Vámonos de Patita de Perro" in Pátzcuaro, Mich., although now, virtually.
November 2019.
We had the opportunity to share a talk about the Military Macaw conservation program in the Bahía de Banderas region, at the Rotary Club of Marina, Puerto Vallarta during its 3rd. District breakfast. April 2019.
We were on a television program, on the Vallarta Metropolitan channel, broadcasting a message about the Military Macaw Conservation Program in the Bahía de Banderas region. The show can still be seen at: 2017
October 2017. We participated in the 1st bird diversity festival. In San Pancho, Nay. "Escape and find out!" August 2017. We spread information about the Military Macaw Conservation Program, through an interview conducted by the newspaper Expresion de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. Thanks to Edith Contreras for this interview. We were fortunate to give a talk on the Conservation Program of the Military Macaw (Ara militaris) and its habitats, in the Bahía de Banderas region, at the Bajío Regional Center of the Institute of Ecology, A.C. in Pátzcuaro, Michoacan. July 2017. We participated in the story section with the children in the course of the Regional Cooperation Center for Adult Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CREFAL) in the Magical Town of Pátzcuaro Michoacán. A little environmental education and a little science. With Philipe: A Tale of Many Wings and Arita: A Tale of Macaws. |
Abril de 2022 In April we were present at the El Cora Crocodile Sanctuary event, to support the dissemination of conservation projects in the Bahía de Banderas region. 2021
To celebrate 10 years of work in the Bahía de Banderas region, Unidos por las Guacamayas A.C. organized on November 19 and 20, 2021, the first Military Macaw festival in Boca de Tomatlán. We had many activities, such as talks, photographic exhibition, ecological games for children, origami, live music and activities linked to the First Festival of Mesoamerican Parrots, such as the drawing contest and the children's story "Arita, a tale of Macaws". In May, to celebrate the international day of biodiversity, with the support of the Donadora organization, our Military Macaw conservation program was spread via zoom, with a talk and the presentation of Alex Beldi's video "Military Macaw", in addition the best donors were rewarded with a beautiful lithograph of the oil paint "Macaw from Arcos I".
On December, photographer Alex Beldi, through his "Beauty on Earth" project, produced the documentary "Military Macaw. Mexico" where part of the work we do in the conservation program for this species is disclosed. You can see this video in the video tab. 2019
December 2019 We were on Telefórmula radio, on the program "Claudia Arellano Contigo!" which is an informative weekly magazine. We were talking about the Military Macaw in Bahía de Banderas. The program is divided into two parts and can still be seen at: and August 2019
For second year, environmental education activities were carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Ecology of Pátzcuaro, in the mexican state of Michoacán, with the result of the production of a children's story with the theme of Mexican mole salamanders: "Amaranta Xolotl" and with the talk "Mole salamanders, deity of the Mexican lakes". March – April 2019
In March and April 2019 we carried out an outreach and fundraising campaign, publiciting the achievements in environmental education, community work and research during the last 8 years, seeking to gather 1000 friends of our effort who could commit themselves with a small donation. monthly, to keep alive the Military Macaw conservation program in the Bahía de Banderas region. This is our video for that campaign: March 2017.
We had the opportunity to express ourselves before the Chamber of Deputies on why the Biodiversity Law is not the option for our natural resources. Broadcasting live on the congress channel. February 2017. We participated in the event Ayudemos Vallarta A.C. within the Neurolinguistics Workshop for children, with the story "Tuwe el Guardian del Bosque". Our presentation was a prize promised to the children for their good performance. We gave an interview to radio Universidad Puerto Vallarta 104.3 FM, in the Esterofonico program, “Las Voces del Salado”, with the topic: Analysis of the general law of biodiversity. We participated in the "Know your Bay" event. Which took place on February 11 at the Cruz de Huanacastle community center. We play and project stories to make the fauna of Bahía de Banderas known a little more. |
September 2019.
We started the reforestation work in the Leona Vicario Telesecundaria area. With the participation of the director, Master Gerardo Mejía and the students of this institution. The reforestation was carried out with seedlings produced in the nursery of this institution and the municipal nursery of Puerto Vallarta. Before the transplant, cleaning, leveling and shaping of the land were carried out. After two years of care, its growth is already remarkable, the school's ecological park is already a dream almost fulfilled. Likewise, the importance of reforesting forests and jungles with endemic forest species and of ecological and economic importance has been emphasized through talks, as well as informing about the causes and consequences of their loss. |
We have been supporting the community of Boca de Tomatlán since 2019, in their fight against a project to build a hydroelectric plant, that would transform the ecosystem of the last part of the river, before joining the sea, which would strongly affect life of the community that depends entirely on this river and would modify the climatic conditions of this Military Macaw nesting area.
During 2018 to 2022, the reproductive monitoring efforts of the largest population of Military Macaw in the region have continued.
This year, 2022, we had a donation of four artificial nests that were placed in the area where the smallest population in the Bahía de Banderas region is distributed and, therefore, more vulnerable to threats, especially during reproduction. We hope they constitute a good support for this population. Thank you Graham Marriott!
2020-2021 season. We had 29 nests monitored, of these only 12 nests successfully terminated with a total production of 15 chicks. It was a difficult year due to winter rains that flooded 6 of the active nests, causing the death of the broods.
With the support of donations obtained for the 2019-2020 season and with the professional work of two biologists from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, the systematization of the photographic material obtained in the monitoring of 26 nests throughout 12 breeding seasons was achieved. reproduction (2008-2009 to 2019-2020) and using the graphic method of facial identification, the identification of 69 individuals was achieved, 48 of them, made up of 24 reproductive pairs. This work will be the basis of the analysis that will allow us to start answering questions about reproductive behavior and the use of nests, as well as the way in which natural events such as storms, predation or nest theft affect the maintenance of their population.
During 2018-2019, only 8 nests were monitored, and an increase in the loss of chicks due to natural predation was recorded due to the presence of the Collared Forest-Falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus), which preyed on three chicks from different nests. November 2017. We participated with 3 papers of the research work that we carried out in the XIII Psittaciformes Symposium that took place during the Mesoamerican Congress for Biology and Conservation (SMBC) in Costa Rica. We present the general progress of the Military Macaw conservation program in Bahía de Banderas; The factors that are affecting the reproduction of the Military Macaw in the region; Affectations by parasites of fly larvae were presented in chicks hatched in artificial nests in pine-oak forests. In the last years there's been publish articles about population aspects, the distribution of the Military Macaw and the treads that parrots have to deal with in Mesoamerica for its conservation. |
In the 2021-2022 season, 22 Military Macaw nests were monitored, of which only 15 were active this breeding season. We were able to count the birth of 10 chicks during the season.
Two of these chicks hatched in the same nest that was stolen during the 2019-2020 season. This time they tried to steal it again; however, the thief suffered an accident in his attempt and with the help of locals, the chick that had been stolen from its nest was rescued, after checking that it had not suffered any physical damage and providing adequate food, it was again placed inside his nest, next to his brother and under the watchful eye of his parents. During the 2019-2020 Military Macaw breeding season, exploration activities were carried out to relocate the nests within the area monitored until now. Because of these activities, 21 nests were located in the Boca de Tomatlán area, of which 14 were active. Five of these nests failed due to the torrential rains that occurred between December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2020. In this case, a nest was found that was under photographic monitoring, where we documented the laying of a total clutch of four eggs and a hatching of 3 chicks on December 26, 2020.
Because of these winter rains, on January 10, a very wet chick was found, in poor physical condition, which most likely fell from the nest during the stormy days. It was given attention to feed and physically recover it, under veterinary attention and was taught to fly as fast as possible, to release it in the nest tree with more breeding pairs and in the vicinity of an area where the chicks are trained by their parents to flight and foraging. Unfortunately, a very vulnerable nest was stolen because it was very close to residential houses. This nest (El Habal), had two almost term chicks when the robbery was carried out (approximately January 24, 2020). 2020
In the month of October 2020, in collaboration with the organizations Defenders of Wildlife Mexico, the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation and the XX Psittaciformes Conservation Symposium, we participated in the series of virtual conferences of the Foundation for Research and Conservation of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (INCEBIO), with the theme: "Conservation in western Mexico. The case of the Military Macaw (Ara militaris)". The talk can still be seen at: en: |
Latest news, advances and achievements
2015 and 2016 were very exciting years, full of emotions. We delayed to present our achievments, but the wait was wort, because the scope in scientific research and community work, speak for themselves. Here is our progress 2015-2016! Join us on this journey in time remembering 2015 and 2016 ... Slide down. Environmental education Scientific research Community Outreach |
We visited five schools in Cabo Corrientes municipality, and in Mexico City, carrying out environmental education activities. We also carried out this task in two social welfare associations and promoted social awareness about the situation of macaws and their habitats in the region in four different forums. We participated in the summer course 2015 in municipal library Los Mangos, giving an environmental education workshop for one week.
We visited five schools in Cabo Corrientes municipality, and in Mexico City, carrying out environmental education activities. We also carried out this task in two social welfare associations and promoted social awareness about the situation of macaws and their habitats in the region in four different forums. We participated in the summer course 2015 in municipal library Los Mangos, giving an environmental education workshop for one week.
March 2015
We were at Paulo town and visited the elmentary and the high junior schools. April 2015
We visited the community center "Entre Amigos" at San Pancho, on the coast of Nayarit. |
"Arroyo de Esperanza" is a Christian association that does community work in different parts of Bahia de Banderas region.
United for the Macaws, overcome its influence area, when invited to give a lecture to José Martí Elementary School in Mexico City.
Once again, we visited the Casa Hogar Manos de Amor in Bucerías, Nayarit.
Back to Vallarta, we visited the High junior school at Boca de Tomatlán, to invite the new students to form a working group to protect the macaw and its habitats.
July 2015
Rancho Primavera was visited by a group of Denver surfers on their way to the beach, and invited us to give a talk about our project, so that they learn not only to ride waves, but also about the nature that surrounds them. August 2015 We had the privilege to give a talk to the veterinary community of Puerto Vallarta, now they are our allies in conservation of parrots and macaws in the area. |
For third consecutive year we had the privilege to participate in the summer course at Los Mangos Library.
May 2016 At Expo Kids, we played the nature's lottery and talked about the species with which we share Puerto Vallarta. |
March 2016 At this year's animal show, Unidos por las Guacamayas spread its message of why macaws and parrots are not good pets, and how everybody can help protect them. |
Monitoring 2015 and 2016 have been our 4th and 5th consecutive year that we have protected the largest breeding area ever found for the Military Macaw. Until now this is our greatest achievement ... and thanks to the exploration effort, we continue to find more nests. In total, 30 nests were protected. This work has been possible thanks to the participation of our local guides: Javier Sosa and Manuel de Jesús Rodríguez. We have received from "Defenders of Wildlife Mexico" the donation of binoculars and telescopes for monitoring. Now our guides already have this valuable tool. The reproductive study of this population has also served to obtain the masters degree of Luis Manuel Avilés Ramos, a student of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo
MSc Luis Manuel Avilés Ramos
With the feathers collected in the field, we began the project of Military Macaw population genetics in Bay of Banderas.
In these two years we have been honored with the visit of important researchers such as Dr. Tiberio Monterrubio of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo and Dr. James Gilardi of the organization World Parrot Trust |
We are working to protect the breeding sites of another population's Military Macaw who live in the region. All this work has been made possible by the firm support of Defenders of Wildlife and World Parrot Trust. Additionally, the study on the floristic characteristics of sites of importance for the Military Macaw in the region is underway. These two research projects are carried out with the support of students from the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, who will also achieve their academic goals. |
We have been working with owners of land from 2 different communities, to protect the feeding and resting places of Military Macaw population that is in greater danger in the region. Thus we have completed the study for the area voluntarily dedicated to conservation of approximately 280 hectares, Southwest of El Tuito, in the municipality of Cabo corrientes, which has also served to obtain his degree for a undergraduate student at the University of Michoacan San Nicolás de Hidalgo. |
Since 2016 we have started the first works of two important projects. One is the construction of the first two interpretive trails, one in the middle of the jungle and the other one in an oak-pine forest. It could support economically support to ejidatarios that protect the areas of food and reproduction of the population of Military macaw at greater risk in the region. The other project is the implementation of artificial nests for this depleted Military Macaw population and the guarantee of protection of their breeding area. We have the first funds provided by the organization Wldlife Defenders Mexico to whom we extend our thanks. |
Here is our progress in 2014!
Join us in this journey through time remembering last year ... Slide down.
Join us in this journey through time remembering last year ... Slide down.
January, 2014 During the winter season must of the parrots, parakeets and macaws, are in their reproductive season. Because of this, The municipality of Puerto Vallarta in coordination with associations like ours, desing a poster that shows the 5 species of parrots that live in the Bahía de Banderas area (Jalisco and Nayarit States). They are protected species by the law and the extraction from their natural environment and their sale is prohibited by laws and considered a federal felony. It is important to learn to identify this species, so when you find animal vendors in the highways you may denounce them. Some of these vendors have special permits to sale some exotic species, so you may be able to identify the ones on this poster. |
Poster with the support of the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta and collaborative institutions like ours. |
A campaing against illegal traffic of parrots, parakeets and macaws was began in the Bahía de Banderas Area. We commit the Association of Specialized Veterinarians of Small species in Puerto Vallarta, to put in their clinics the posters done and donated by Defenders of Wildlife, and the poster done with the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta, so everybody be aware of this situation. March, 2014: We participated on the 3rd. Vallarta Bird Festival from March 6th to March 9th, with activities like ecotourism and a environmental education chat for children in the Natural Protected Area El Salado, in Puerto Valllarta. |
Under the motto: “After seeing a macaw flying in freedon, you would never want to see a macaw in a cage ever” We made promotion of the poster, in collaboration with the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta and Defenders of Wildlife. |
In the midle of the "against the ilegal traffic of native Mexican Parrtos" campaign, We launch with Defenders of Wildlife, Mexico two videos:
Learn how much pain and suffering allows buy
parakeets, parrots and macaws !.
parakeets, parrots and macaws !.

January, 2014
With still low demand on our ecotourism services, but we keep improving and having satisfied costumers.
Friends from Denmark came to take the Path of the Military Macaw. Wonderful people and wonderful pictures.
January, 2014
With still low demand on our ecotourism services, but we keep improving and having satisfied costumers.
Friends from Denmark came to take the Path of the Military Macaw. Wonderful people and wonderful pictures.
On the tour "One day with the Military macaws" we had Michael Skikne and Neil Kirby and Wendy Cart and Shannon Adams. To whom we gave a recognition for their participation on our tour. Thanks so much for visiting us! |

Environmental Education
Environmental education is an important issue in the project of Conservations of the Military macaw and their habitats. Here an example of our second visit to all the schools in Yelapa. |
Invited by Colectivo Viva Boca, on Thrusday March 20th, we went to Boca de Tomatlán, to show the children the movie of Rio, we also gave a talk before and after the movie, where we talk about the importance of macaws, no matter which species. That they most live free in the wild, that they are not good pets and that much of what the macaws do to survive in the wild, they learned by their own society living with their flock. |
July- August (July 16Th - Aug 15Th) Unidos por las Guacamayas, for second year was invited to be part of the summer camp in Los Mangos Library. Talks, videos, workshops, recreational activities and more. |

Big part of this couldn´t be possible without the participation of our two field guides that made a huge surveillance effort to protect the nest.
Thank you Manuel de Jesus Rodriguez and Javier Sosa!
Since this month, we collaborate in the project “Conservation of the Military Macaw in Mexico, strengthening research groups” in coordination with the Autonomous Pedagogic University of the State of Sinaloa and the University of Saint Nicolas de Hidalgo from the State of Michoacan. Unidos por las Guacamayas proud hostess of the reunion of experts about Military Macaws (Ara militaris) and also for the workshop about monitoring, participation and environmental education. |
We went to the XVI Congress of the Mesoamerican Society of the Biology and Conservation. In Copan Ruins, Honduras, we participate with the presentations:
We have published in the Journal of Neotropical Ornithology, the article "Gregarious nesting and breeding success of military macaw (Ara militaris) in a forest of tropical coast of western Mexico. You can see it in the Publications tab on this website. |
![]() Support and Donations
We´re very proud of the goals reached this year, thanks to the donations during 2013 and the team work with the University of Michoacan of Saint Nicolas de Hidalgo and The Pedagogic University of the State of Sinaloa, in the Conservation project of the Military Macaw in Mexico. During 2014 we got again support from Defenders of Wildlife Mexico, to protect the reproduction site of one of the populations of the Military macaws that live in the Bandera´s bay region. And we still getting support of some friends of the turistic branch that gave us lodge for free. We can tell that the Military macaw program has two oficial places in the wilderness outside Puerto Vallarta: Rancho Primavera in El Tuito town and the little cottages of Cheryl Harleston in Yelapa town. |
2014 DONORS Amigos de las Aves U S A Brian and Lois Lewis Gloria Newman Jan Fenwick Jennifer Webwe Judie Gumm Labor of love parrot toys and more Lois Logan Lola Kehn Margaret K Offermann Mark K Jones Matt Baird Maxine Kincora Michael Skikne Peter King Steve and Jan Rauworth |
Lois Logan Lola Kehn Margaret K Offermann Mark K Jones Matt Baird Maxine Kincora Michael Skikne Peter King Steve and Jan Rauworth Susan Payne Defenders of Wildlife Teyeliz Cheryl Harleston Rancho Primavera |
From all of us to all of you, Thanks, Thanks so much!

2013.... So Much
...We haven´t been able to update our web page as much as often as we would like. In the next paragraphs is what we have done in the last 6 months of 2013, in one of each of the different activities we do.
Thanks to all of you who had done possible each of this actions!
...We haven´t been able to update our web page as much as often as we would like. In the next paragraphs is what we have done in the last 6 months of 2013, in one of each of the different activities we do.
Thanks to all of you who had done possible each of this actions!

We continue working in coordination with the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas Hidal, We had finish the reproductive stude of one of the populations of Military macaw in the region, and another research about the number of populations that are in the area as well as the population sizes of Military macaws in the municipalities of Puerto Vallarta and Cabo Corrientes.
In the community of Punta the Mita, with the support of Serendipity Restaurant, we did for the children a rally to promote the importance of studing as a way of personal development and social confort, and also spread the love for nature and the values of conservation. As a result of this really the children did a mural at the restaurant to remember this activities and every child leave there their signature.
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Besides the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta and throw the campain against ilegal animal traffic of parrots and macaws in the región, we have been supported by Defenders of Wildlife Mexico with 3 different posters that shows that traffic of parrots and macaws is ilegal and has been distributed all around the región. We have been visiting schools from Kinder garden to High school in Puerto Vallarta and Yelapa and also social assistant institutions like Fundación Boca in Boca de Tomatlán, Jal. And the Municipal Library of Puerto Vallarta, Los Mangos. The issues of the presentations has been extended to make conscious about the importance of preserve the habitats to preserve the ecological biodiversity and the benefits that this may bring. We have done presentations about bats, sea turtles and the feeding chain. We did a Environmental workshop for children as part of the Summer camp organized by Los Mangos Library. |
With the support of our friends in Cleverland (Norman and Carol Weinberg), in Pennsylvania (Liz Olson) and in Ontario, Ca. (Jennifer Weber). We were invited to promote our conservation program of Military macaws in Bahia de Banderas, in the Metropark Cleveland Zoo (Dr. Albert Lewandowsky), the Natural Histoy Museum of Cleveland (Harvey Webster ), Allegheny College (PhD Liz Olson), the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Guelph (Dr. Dale Smith and Natalie Lemieux ) and the Visitor Center in the National Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada (Dawn Sherman). Thank you so much for the invitation and for giving us the chance to show our work!!! |
Support and Donations
This second semester of the year with the economical support of Defenders of Wildlife Mexico we were able to protect an important nesting area of the Military macaw, one of the biggest that has been studied until now. We still have the support of some touristic servers for our field work in far away places, they give us lodging for free. In Yelapa the Oasis Yelapa Hotel: In El Tuito, El rancho Primavera: If you´re looking for a paradise, to rest and relax, you should go to this places. |
Community Work
With the support of Defenders of Wildlife Mexico we were able to involve local people to protect an important nesting area of the Military macaw. With the support and enthusiastic feelings of organizations like * Viva Boca, in the community of Boca de Tomatlan, which looks to get closer to the people to improve their quality of life. We achive to involve with the activities of environmental education they have been doing to make more conscious about ecology to many people in the community. Thank you Colectivo Viva Boca!!!!! The next list show all the 2013 donors that make possible the work we´re doing this 2014.
THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
In coordination with the University Michoacana of Saint Nicolas Hidalgo, we start a study of the reproductive behavior of one of the populations of Military macaw on the region, and we continue with the monthly monitoring of the populations in three different places, in the municipalities of Puerto Vallarta and Cabo Corrientes. We´re tracking the reproductive behavior, that haven't been observed before, we´re achieving the biggest counts populations ever registered. With this data we´re writing two scientific articles, as results of our work in the field. |
We´re also starting a monitoring of the biodiversity of terrestrial mammals that share the territories with the macaws.
Environmental Education
Together with the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta we have initiate a campaign against the illegal traffic of parrots and macaws in the region, supported by materials donated by Defenders of Wildlife Mexico,
We have visit a lot of schools from pre-elementary, junior high and high school in Puerto Vallarta and Yelapa, and also social assistance institutions like an orphans house, the Boca Foundation in Boca de Tomatlán, people with visual disabilities of the Bay and the Library Los Mangos. In this way we were able to give the message of conservation to more than 600 students and adults of the region. We got the visit of a group of students of Biology, we show them the natural resources beauties and how the program of Military macaw conservation try to protect them for the benefit of the biodiversity of the region and the human society that lives with it. |
We have also produced some videos to promote the work of the association that can be seen in our Video Gallery. |
We´ve had been in two radio programs taking about the conservation of the military macaw on the first days of the year.
With the support of many friends we organized a concert to reach funds for the Military macaw program in Bandera´s bay. In the concert we got the participation of kinder children, folclorical musicians, a wonderful pianist, a singing school that impress us and touch our hearts with their performance, and the men´s choir of Puerto Vallarta. We have an home office of 300 persons. Thanks to all! |
Community work
With the financial support of Bandera´s bay Initiative A.C. it has been started a project of improving the habitat. With the participation of the Principal of the Junior High Leona Vicario of Boca de Tomatlan and their students, if has start the construction of a nursery that will have around 1000 tropical trees, that are useful for tropical wood, but also very useful for the feeding and nesting areas of the Military macaws. We already have the first plants, Thanks to Bandera´s Bay initiative!
We have supported landowners with wildlife troubles, as there has been some jaguar attacks to the cattle. The jaguar is a endangered species that share the territories with the Military macaws, the protection of this species is closely attach to the management of the land that men do and the use of the natural resources that animals do. |
Support and donations
Military macaws Project has been recipient of important supports from Suzan Payne and Jennifer Weber with economical and material items that help us to reach the goals of the next year and made the field work more comfortable.
From Amber Lynn Puckett, Mary Rose of Central Chirping and from Arlene Powers their unconditional and disinterested support in the realization of the raffle of a beautiful paint of Chula, Art piece of Arlene Powers to benefit the Conservation program. Gyula Gulyas also donate a software useful for the field data obtain in the field biological research of the Military macaw. Thank you Gyula Gulyas! |
We also received support from some tourist service providers in our field work in remote locations, which give us the lodge for free. We can say that the conservation program of Military Macaw has two official homes outside of Puerto Vallarta,
In the town of Yelapa Yelapa Oasis by the river Hotel in
In the village of El Tuito, Rancho Primavera
We are very fortunate, Thanks! Both places are paradisiacal, if you seek beautiful places for rest and relaxation DON'T MISS THEM!!
In the town of Yelapa Yelapa Oasis by the river Hotel in
In the village of El Tuito, Rancho Primavera
We are very fortunate, Thanks! Both places are paradisiacal, if you seek beautiful places for rest and relaxation DON'T MISS THEM!!
Hi everybody!!

We want to thank those who in one way or another, has supported us in the past year (2012) to do the things we are reporting on this page. Special thanks to the Golden Triangle Parrot Club, and Canadian Parrot Conference, which in 2011 decided to support with its "Pennies 4 Parrots" campaign. A further thanks to Dr. Tiberio Monterrubio Rico of the University Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, who invited us, to participate in a major project of conservation of these beautiful birds.

Continue the monitoring of the population located in the basin of the Rio Cuale and counts were obtained up to 114 macaws ....
It is a pretty big population!

We participate in the XVI Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation in Panama City, presenting a paper on the Military Macaw in Puerto Vallarta, as well as in the discussion forums on the action plans for the conservation of parrots in Mesoamerica.
JULY 2012

July 12th. We participate in the forum of the National Tree Day. It was held at the Centro Universitario de la Costa, revealing the importance that trees have on the development of ecosystems and their biota.
We have developed new educational material that talks about the importance of trees and their coevolution with animals, this audiovisual material is called "The trees-forest".
JUNE 2012June 5th. We participated in the event of the day of the Environment in the Natural Protected Area Estero Salado, publishing he activities of the Macaw conservation program in Bahia de Banderas. June 6th. We participated in the seminarian during the Environmental day celebration on the Centro Universitario de la Costa with a chat about Military macaws. June 18th-27th June. With the participation of people from the communities of Boca de Tomatlan and Bioto, a workshop on ecotourism and hiking was given. As a result, participants raised two projects developed with support from Guacamayas forever and start working to achieve them in the coming months. Soon, we will hear from them. |
We welcome:

To Jennifer Weber, as our representative in Canada. Thanks for your enthusiastic collaboration!
Environmental EducationSo far, there has been presented the story "Arita ... A Tale of Macaws" in 3 schools:
Kindergarten Gilberto Flores Muñoz in Bucerias, Nayarit Nueva Creación Elementary School in San Vicente, Nayarit Kindergarten Octavio Paz in San Vicente Nay We presented the story "Tuwe, the guardian of the Forest" In the Home "Manos de Amor por Bahía" in Bucerias, Nayarit.
The mangrove El Salado invited us to its radio show "Estero fonico" where we talked about the importance of the Military Macaw, their habitats and their presence in certain time of year in the vicinity of the mangrove. We appreciate their invitation. |

It has been done exploring research to one of the nests found in Las Juntas y los Veranos and we have begun monitoring the population size of a Military Macaw populations in the region.
We are working in parthenship with the Xaman Ha Aviary, located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, describing useful indicators for the conservation of Macaws.
We are working in parthenship with the Xaman Ha Aviary, located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, describing useful indicators for the conservation of Macaws.
2012….With renewed energy we began the year, returning to work.
November 2011

In the month of November we were awarded by the campaign Pennies for Parrots 2011, the support was given by Canadian Parrot Conference 2011 and Parrots International. The event took place in the city of Guelph, Ontario on November
12th and 13th, 2011. As part of the conference Carlos did two presentations taking about the Military Macaw conservation project and we symbolically handed over the funds raised during the campaign, which was attended by 6 clubs:
Golden Triangle Parrot Club Part of promoting the event took place on television where
Hamilton Parrot Club Carlos Bonilla was interviewed.
Arizona Seed Cracker Society
Chattham Kent Parrot Club
Calgary Parrot Club
York Region Club
To all participating clubs to Canadian Parrot Conference 2011, Parrots International, Jennifer Weber, who promoted the campaign "Pennies 4 parrots" for our project, to Suzan Payne and Nathalie Lemieux who
enthusiastically welcomed the proposal. In the name of all the ones who participates in Macaws Forever want to say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
12th and 13th, 2011. As part of the conference Carlos did two presentations taking about the Military Macaw conservation project and we symbolically handed over the funds raised during the campaign, which was attended by 6 clubs:
Golden Triangle Parrot Club Part of promoting the event took place on television where
Hamilton Parrot Club Carlos Bonilla was interviewed.
Arizona Seed Cracker Society
Chattham Kent Parrot Club
Calgary Parrot Club
York Region Club
To all participating clubs to Canadian Parrot Conference 2011, Parrots International, Jennifer Weber, who promoted the campaign "Pennies 4 parrots" for our project, to Suzan Payne and Nathalie Lemieux who
enthusiastically welcomed the proposal. In the name of all the ones who participates in Macaws Forever want to say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
August 2011
- This year the Canadian Parrot Club and Parrots International choose our Project to be distinguish with their campain “Pennies 4 Parrots, 2011”, the benefits will be given during the Canadian Parrot Conference on November. This honor encourage us to continue working on the conservation of the Military macaws in Bandera´s bay, is also a good support for our next year efforts with least concearn about resourses.
- We invite everybody who would like to support this project to visit the donation campaing of the Canadian Parrot Club
August 2010
- We have located 10 macaw nests in 2009- 2010. These, according to our estimates and studies performed on this species, correspond to a population of about 100 individuals.
more > - According to our monitoring and research, the largest populations are El Jorullo – Paso Ancho and Boca de Tomatlán – Yelapa, with aprox. 100 individuals each.
> more - We have visited schools and kinder in Yelapa, organizing a little workshop on the importance of the macaws and their conservation in the Bay of Banderas.
> more