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The Military Macaw is an endangered species that has its largest studied populations in Mexico. In Jalisco, the largest has been registered so far with more than 200 people.
UNITED FOR THE GUACAMAYAS A.C. has been researching and conserving Macaws in this area for more than ten years, through a great effort that we have carried out tooth and nail, with courage, valor and with the support of a handful of friends in the country and abroad.
We are losing the jungles and consequently the Military Macaw and thousands of other species, such as the jaguar, deer, puma, ocelot and the hundreds of birds that inhabit the area.
This is a call for HELP from our program, we want to help reforest, continue with our nest monitoring program, support students in their bachelor's and master's theses, support community members and ejidatarios in empowering their resources and bring schools and education populations, but this is impossible for us when this year we are practically at environmental zeros.
Do you want to help us?
You can donate to the organization through Pay Pal.
Help us continue our Military Macaw conservation work and be part of a community of people who care about birds and conservation.
UNITED FOR THE GUACAMAYAS A.C. has been researching and conserving Macaws in this area for more than ten years, through a great effort that we have carried out tooth and nail, with courage, valor and with the support of a handful of friends in the country and abroad.
We are losing the jungles and consequently the Military Macaw and thousands of other species, such as the jaguar, deer, puma, ocelot and the hundreds of birds that inhabit the area.
This is a call for HELP from our program, we want to help reforest, continue with our nest monitoring program, support students in their bachelor's and master's theses, support community members and ejidatarios in empowering their resources and bring schools and education populations, but this is impossible for us when this year we are practically at environmental zeros.
Do you want to help us?
You can donate to the organization through Pay Pal.
Help us continue our Military Macaw conservation work and be part of a community of people who care about birds and conservation.
Sponsors in the field
During 2015 and 2016 we were able to work for the conservation of the Military Macaw in the Bahía de Banderas region thanks to the invaluable donations of our friends, here is a list of them and also our most sincere appreciation.
Adrián Huerta, Adriana De Villa, Aldrin Torres, Alejandra Rodriguez Razo, Alfredo R., Amanda Ortegon, Amber Puckett, Ana Alondra, Ana Laura Cruz Solano, Ana Leonor Reyes Sánchez, Andrés, Angie Ahumada, Anthony Christopher Fregoso, Armando, Betsua, Bob Price, Carlos Palomera, Carolina Valdéz Mondragón, Cesar Manuel Villa Ruiz , Cristina Mazilu, Curtis Ketner, Damaris Tamborrell, Defenders Of Wildlife México, Estefania Le Chat, Fernando Bonilla Badía, Filiberto Beltran G, Gabriela Ramírez, Gretchen Dewitt, Hugo Cesar Gutiérrez Cruz, Ingrid Hallmann, Ingrid U., Ivan Burgos, Jair Hernández, Jennifer Weber, Jesus Reyes, Jorge Alejandro Yan Ruz, José Domingo , José Gilberto Aguilar Méndez, Kalina Bermúdez Torres, Karina Montero, Karla De La Peña, Kim Mascheroni Kieler, Laura Bonilla, Leticia Acebal Lara, Linda Lezt, Lore Tochtli, Luis José Delaye Arredondo, Lynda Petty, M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Margarita Magallón Trillo, María Del Carmen Ortega, María Fernández , Maria Gabriela Alvarado Hernandez, Melisa Guerrero , Miguel Villalva, Mónica Muñóz, Natalia Aguirre, Nina Flores Lloret, Norma Sánchez Bautista, Penny Wild-Perkowski, Psitamex, Paul Theissen Long, Randall Collins, Red De Observadores De Aves De Guanajuato, Randall Collins, Ricardo Martínez, Ron And Nancy Kopitke, Ruth Rivero, Salvador Alejandro Ochoa Aguilar, Stefan Louis Arriaga-Weiss, Ted Spencer, Tere Sánchez, Yamel Rubio Rocha, Yolanda Núñez López , Yuniba Andrea Osuna Lara
Amber Puckett, Ana Leonor Reyes Sánchez, Carolina Fumigalli, Defenders of Wildlife México, Emma Bonilla, Ernesto Paulsen, Gabriela Guzmán, Hugo Cessar Gutiérrez Cruz, Janaki Kilgore, Jennifer Weber, Karla de la Peña, María del Carmen Anaya Corona, Randal Collins, Richard Chrappa, Robert Price, Roberto Ortíz Dietz Dinkel, Science Exchange, Wings of Love Birdheven Inc.
Carol Weinberg, Colegio Campo Verde, Defenders of Wildlife Mexico, Ernesto Paulsen, Jennifer Weber, Roberto Ortiz Dietz Dinkel, Wings of Love Birdheven Inc.
Defenders of Wildlife Mexico, Jennifer Weber, Merry Teesdale, Nadia Woodcock, Paul Woodcock, Pierre R. Richard, Richard Chrappa, Ted Spencer
Ben Loehnen, Curtis Ketner, Defenders of Wildlife Mexico, Jennifer Weber, Kathy Supan, Kristen Strohm, Marily Empson, Marion Davidson, Tammy Debarse